Alan Wong
Creative Director
Independent Artist (Dance) / Video Director / Choreographer / Photographer / Fashion Show Director / Event Coordinator
Don't aim for success if you want it;
just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.
- David Frost
About Me
Be as you wish to seem
Graduate of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, and working partner of Alan Bailey, Alan Wong is an up-and-coming Event Coordinator / Choreographer / Fashion Show Director / Dance Video Director / Photographer.
Alan has the ability to arrange and organize fashion show with 300+ models, together with his talent on choreography and performing arts, providing audience with unique experience.
He won the MTR Corporation’s “Outstanding Dance Performance” award, the Dean of Dance Prize of School of Dance, the Grantham Scholarship, and many more noted awards and scholarships.
Art portfolio / Fashion Show Director Portfolio / Choreographer
Dreams are accomplished through the accumulation of small steps towards it.
I am working hard on accomplishing my dreams.
Gregg and Bailey
HK Government
HK FUR Federation
Yankov Wong Production
Dom Perignon
HK Fashion Week
PolyAuctionD2 Place
Hong Kong Academy for Performing
City Contemporary Dance Company
Hong Kong Dance Company
Hong Kong Ballet
E-Side Dance Company
Billy Chan Dance Concepts
Dance Union@Sunny Wong
Arts Fundraising
Poly Auction
Shanghai Expo2010
Sands rewards Macau
Grand Hyatt Hotel Macau
Kubrick HK Beijing
Tiffany & Co.
Fashion Show Work
Hong Kong Fur Gala 2019 opening Show
Date: 15th Feb, 2019
Venue: HKCEC
Event details:
30+ Models
Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Hong Kong Fur Federation, The Hong Kong International Fur & Fashion Fair, from 15 to 17 February 2019, an annual highlight on the fashion calendar, kicked off at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre with the glamourous Fur Gala 2019. Ten original collections presented by local furriers impressed the audience with a hundred unique fur looks that celebrate the romantic, passionate, glamorous and cheerful charm of the opulent material and its versatility. This spectacular event was devised and directed by SPARK - from Logo and Graphic design, Stage and Runway conceptional drawings and on-site construction, Lighting and Audio performances, to Model casting, Orchestra management, Scene directing and rundown management, and Hair & Make-up arrangement, SPARK have brought a world-class Fashion experience to our audience. By utilizing Dot-image lighting effects and live Orchestra music performance, this Fur & Fashion event has marked another milestone for the Hong Kong Fashion industry.
Hong Kong Fur Gala Show
Assistant Director
Date: 2010 & 2013 - 2017
Venue: HKCEC grand hall
Event Details:1000 Guests
60 Models
Directing 35 mins Fashion Show
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPB9e08gqn4Poly Auction Jewelry Showcase & Dinner
Date: 1st Apr, 2017
Venue: JW Marriott
Event Details:
200 Guests
4 Models
Directing 10 mins Fashion Mob
Choreographer of Cocktail Party
Fashion Week Ecochic Design Award
Date: 20th Jan, 2014-15 & 2015-16
Venue: HKCEC Hall 3
Event Details:500 Guests
24 Models
Directing 25 mins Fashion Show
HK Levis Summer Collection
HK Levis Winter Collection 2014
FILA Macau Shop Grand Openning & Sport Collection Show
Date: 21th Jun, 2013
Venue: Venetian Macao
Event details:600 Guests
30 Models
Directing Store Opening Performance, 10 Dancers Flash Mob &
25 mins Fashion Show
Chanel Jewelry Private Dinner & Collection Show
Date: 14th - 15th Oct, 2014
Venue: The Verandah,
The Repulse Bay, HK
Event details:
60 Guests
5 Models
Directing 20 mins Showcase
World's Greatest Catwalk 2012 Hong Kong 世界時尚天橋2012香港
Date: 9th Dec, 2012
Venue: Victoria Harbour
Event details:
300+ Models
Guinness World Record
A runway of approximately 3-kilometer long in striking pink was laid across the Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade in Hong Kong. With the impressive Victoria Harbour as its backdrop, resulted in a catwalk that's approximately 3 kilometers in length back and forth. The World's Greatest Catwalk 2012, as a highlighted event of Hong Kong Design Year 2012, was presented by the Hong Kong Fashion Designers Association and the Danish Fashion Institute, and was sponsored by Create Hong Kong. The open-to-public fashion show featured over 340 models and looks, including the very best works of over 200 renowned fashion design masters, students and emerging young talents from both Hong Kong and Denmark. Featuring 15 celebrated super models, namely Christine Au-Yeung, Eunis Chan, Balia Chan, Kathy Chow, Lisa S., Ana R., Jocelyn Luko, Rosemary, Almen Wong, Mikki Yao, Carrie Lam, Amber Xu, Moon Yau and Ren Ogata, Anthony Sandstrom the presentation not only showcased the works of the top designers from Hong Kong and Denmark. The World's Greatest Catwalk 2012 also successfully claimed the Guinness World Record for the "Most Models in a Fashion Show".
3D Video Projection Mapping Dance
Sun International Group & Imperium Group Annual Dinner 2020 太陽國際集團及帝國集團晚宴 極緻光鑽 完美演繹
Jazz Dance and Urban Dance
Date: 18th Jan, 2020
Venue: Kowloon bay International Trade & Exhibition Centre
IT Nation Day Celebration Dinner 2019
香港資訊科技界慶祝建國七十週年國慶晚宴 2019
Kufung Dance ,Chinese Dance, Hip-Hop,Breaking , Urban Dance
Date: Sep, 2019
Venue: HKCEE
IT Sector National Day Celebration Dinner 2019 was held in the HKCEC Convention Hall in September 2019. This celebration event was supported by the HKSAR government, Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government since 1996. In view of the rapid development of Greater Bay Area, the committee invited SPARK to create an energetic performance experience to accommodate the theme for the celebration dinner. Our in-house Creative Director combined Kung Fu Hip-Hop and LED wall mapping video to create a unique and exciting performing art experience to our audience, which brought every guest to travel between reality and the virtual world.
「香港資訊科技界國慶活動籌委會」於ニ零一九年九月在香港會議展覧中心會議廳舉行「香港資訊科技界慶祝中華人民共和國建國七十週年國慶晚宴」。 自1996年起,每年舉辦的國慶活動及晚宴均得到香港特區政府、中聯辦及社會人士的熱心支持,並由特區行政長官和中聯辦主任分別出任籌委會名譽主席。今年已是連續第二十四年舉辦。 響應粵港澳大灣區的蓬勃發展,籌委會特意為是次表演選其為晚宴主題,並邀請 SPARK 創作耳目一新的演出。我們的創作總監本次將功夫Hip-Hop,配合大型 LED Wall Mapping,為觀眾帶來玩味十足的體驗,引領大家感受大灣區。
High-tech enterprise's Award Ceremony
Urban Dance
Date: May, 2019
Venue: Broadway, Macau
SPARK was invited by a Singapore production company to manage the entertainment of a high-tech enterprise's Award Ceremony held in Macau. To highlight its "high-tech" element, SPARK created a fascinating animation that combines the products and services of the enterprise into it, while our Dancers interacted with the animation in front of a 14.5 feet LED screen, showcasing the latest trend of the enterprise to the audience, as well as demonstrating the slogan of "Social Opportunity Platform".
SPARK獲新加坡製作公司邀請,為一間大型高科技公司於澳門舉行的頒獎典禮籌備精彩表演節目。 為了突顯企業的高科技元素,SPARK以高科技為主題,結合企業的產品及服務,製作了一段富有科技感的電腦動畫,投放到闊14.5米的LED顯示幕,加上舞蹈員舞蹈與動畫的互動,向現場嘉賓展示企業的最新動向,以科技與舞蹈的配合中體現「社交機遇.成就卓越」的口號。
OMD 20th Anniversary Business Dinner 2018
Urban Dance
Date: Thursday 18th Oct, 2018
Venue: W Hotel
Celebrating 20th Anniversary of OMD Hong Kong, the most awarded Integrated Marketing and Media Agency in Hong Kong and globally, SPARK Nation Ltd. has created a fascinating LED Mapping Dance Performance for their staff annual dinner on 18th October 2018.
Matching the theme of Neon Lighting, our Creative Director managed the fusion of illuminating graphics and city skyline, while our Urban Dancers interact with the mapping on main screen, giving our audience exciting visual impact on stage.
IT National Day Celebration 2018
Urban Dance King Tut
Led Screen Graphic Video Director & Led Mapping Dance Choreographer
Date: 26th Sep, 2018
Venue: HKCEC Convention Hall
「香港資訊科技界國慶活動籌委會」於ニ零一八年九月二十六日(星期三) 在香港會議展覧中心會議廳舉行「香港資訊科技界慶祝中華人民共和國建國六十九周年國慶晚宴」。
籌委會為響應電子競技運動的蓬勃發展,是次表演特意選取「電競」為題材,並邀請 SPARK 創作耳目一新的演出。創作總監融合電子音樂,Urban Dance, King Tutting 元素,配合大型 LED Wall Mapping, 為觀眾帶來玩味十足的畫面,引領大家穿梭現實與遊戲世界。
50th Hong Kong Journalists Association Annual Gala Dinner
Contemporary Dance
Led Screen Graphic Video Director & Led Mapping Dance
Date: 19th May, 2018
Venue: HKCEC Convention Hall
The Hong Kong Journalists Association’s 50th Anniversary Gala Dinner was held in Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Over 700 political and business leaders and journalists attended. The theme of the gala dinner was “Brace against the wind with a warm heart”. As show director, SPARK provided creative and professional ideas. Through creative performances based on body momentum, music and videos, SPARK paid tributes to our Hong Kong journalists, who are always at the forefront for the benefits of the public. Performing artists’ and journalists’ performances brought guests looking back to the past half a century that the Hong Kong Journalists Association have experienced together with every one of us, for the good times and the bad, from the precious memories to the darkest hours, and to advance from our adventurous present for a forever-better future.
IT National Day Celebration 2017
Jazz Dance
Led Screen Graphic Video Director & Led Mapping Dance Choreographer
Date: 22th Sep, 2017
Venue: HKCEC Convention Hall
國慶晚宴於ニ零一七年九月二十二日(星期五) 在香港會議展覧中心會議廳舉行「香港資訊科技界慶祝中華人民共和國建國六十八周年國慶晚宴」的合辦團體及參與有關活動。自1996年起,每年舉辦的國慶活動及晚宴均得到香港特區政府、中聯辦及社會人士的熱心支持,並由特區行政長官和中聯辦主任分別出任籌委會名譽主席。今年已是連續第二十二年舉辦。去年,行政長官和主任更親自出席晚宴,並發表講話。
The Launch of the new Boxster and the opening of the Porsche Centre Hong Kong Showroom expansion
Urban Dance
Led Mapping Dance
Date: 24th Aug, 2012
Venue: G/F, AXA Centre, 151 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai
The new Boxster and the opening with 6 Dancers
The New Macan perfectly inherits the sports car DNA of Porsche
Parkour & LED Dance
Date: 25th Jul, 2014
Venue: Hong Kong AsiaWorld - Expo
Hong Kong. Porsche Centre Hong Kong today celebrated the arrival of the latest model line – the new Macan. The all new Macan made its Hong Kong debut in front of over 1,000 guests and media at the AsiaWorld-Expo. Three variants of the new Macan were presented: the new Macan, the new Macan S and the new Macan Turbo. The event hall was transformed into an urban city with high-rises and skyline graphics. Entertainment of the evening includes energetic Parkour performance and futuristic illuminated dance performance, enabling guests to experience the dynamic lifestyle Macan promises. The performance perfectly complemented the theme of the evening - “Life, intensified”
Charity Gala Dinner benefiting the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
Musical Dance ,Chinese Dance, Cantonese Opera, Jazz Dance, Contemporary Ballet Dance and Urban Dance
Date: Thursday 3rd May, 2012
Venue: Grand Hyatt Hong Kong
Charity Gala Dinner benefiting the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
lui Che Woo Prize Dance Performance 2020
Contemporary Chinese dance
Date: 1th Mar, 2020
Venue: HKCEC
Dr Lui has long been an advocate of “returning to the society what is owed”. He is also a staunch supporter of traditional values that promote benevolence and peace. These tenets and his deep compassion for humanity have inspired him to establish the LUI Che Woo Prize to extol those individuals or organisations who have selflessly dedicated themselves to the nurturing and enrichment of world civilisation.
Trailwatch 5th Anniversary
Hong Kong Space Limited Project (在野 Zoi6Je5 Dance Company) Site specific Dance
Contemporary Dance
Date: 21th Dec, 2019
Description: Site specific Dance
我是草 又是樹根 那一刻我們接通了
The dancing Nutcracker
Hip-Hop, Locking, Finger Tutting
Date: 28th Dec, 2018
Venue: Harbourcity
Harbour City has invited Miller Goodman host their first solo exhibition in Hong Kong, bringing the classic, “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King” into life and turn the mall into fanciful scenes of the story. SPARK injects the element of hip-hop dance into the classical Nutcracker characters, giving them a dancing soul and interact with audiences all around the stage. At the end of each performance, “the dancing Nutcracker” invite little dancers to come to the stage and learn how to move in a stylish way!
海港城邀請了來自英國的著名積木玩具設計組合Miller Goodman, 以其色彩繽紛、玩味十足的風格,為大家重新釋演胡桃夾子這個經典故事。 SPARK 為這些胡桃夾子注入舞蹈靈魂,令這些經典角色可以透過新穎的街頭舞蹈表演一番,為現場觀眾帶來目不暇給的精彩演出。 胡桃夾子們還特意邀請在場的小朋友上台參加舞蹈遊戲,一同手舞足蹈,分享節日快樂氣氛!
12th Anniversary Fundraising Dinner of the Civic Party
Musical Dance
Date: 27th Apr, 2018
SPARK coordinated Civic Party’s 12th Anniversary Fundraising Dinner. From venue decoration to programme scheduling, SPARK provided creative solutions in every detail. SPARK arranged choreography and rehearsal for Civic Party’s members, who tried the whole bag of tricks. Their performance enhanced the atmosphere in the dinner.
Porsche Body & Paint Centre and Porsche Classic Partner Grand Opening 2017
Urban Dance
Dance Video Director & Choreographer
Date: 2017
Venue: Porsche Body & Paint Centre
Porsche Body & Paint Centre and Porsche Classic Partner
Let us take you on a tour to our newly opened Porsche Body & Paint Centre and Porsche Classic Partner! This splendid new Porsche Body & Paint Centre occupies a total area of more than 40,000 square feet and has been designed to provide Porsche customers with enhanced and more efficient after-sales service.
Harbourcity Art Fair 2017 (Dreaming Girl)
Ballet Dance,Contemporary Dance, Singer Artist & Violinist
Date: Apr 2017
Venue: Harbourcity
While shopping inside Harbour City, mall visitors will also see the Dreaming Girl series by Korean artist Choi Sung-Chul at Atrium II, Gateway Arcade. These colourful installations capture a pure moment when a little girl holding an apple in her hands, entering into a space of delightful imagination. With the use of a variety of bold colours, the crowd of little girls creates a strong and stimulating vibe in the dynamic shopping area. In contrast with their cold shiny surface, they all seem to possess inner warmth and passion that keep your hearts overflowing with joy in this spring!
Chanel High Jewellery Private Event 2014
Ballet Dance
Date: 14th - 15th Oct, 2014
Venue: The Verandah, The Repulse Bay, HK
Description: 5 Ballet Dancers perform between Dinner and Fashion Show
FILA Macau Shop Grand Openning & Sport Collection 2013
Flash Mob
Date: 21th Jun, 2013
Venue: Venetian Macao
Store Opening Performance, 10 Dancers Flash Mob &
25 mins Fashion Show
Dom Pérignon Gala Cocktail/Dinner with Performance
Contemporary Dance
Date: 11th Jul, 2013
Venue: Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Lyrics Theater
Dom Pérignon commissioned young local choreographer Alan Wong to create the performance which chronicles the Champagne house's long history. Dancers donned period costumes to mark the brand's prominence as the Champagne of choice by the court of Versailles in the 17th century.
SCMP Interview:
Grand Hyatt Macau Chaine Dinner 2009
Jazz Dance, Tap Dance, Stomp - Show Kitchen
Date: 28th Nov, 2009
Venue: Grand Hyatt Macau
A Show Kitchen in Grand Hyatt Macau
在野Zoi6Je5 Dance Company
Choreographing is what we want to do and what we want to keeping doing. In field areas, we feel very peaceful and calm. The state of mind boosts creativity. Touching the grass, listening to the wind sweeping the trees, and the songs sung by insects and animals are all inspirations for us. This is a very precious input to our dance. It also makes us wonder, what if we can practice and choreograph in the fields for a longer period of time? We are going to make different small pieces relative to the land, to the people, to the love.
Hong Kong Space Limited
In the prosperous Hong Kong, there is a very heavy price to pay for this prosperity. We have been infused with the concept of acquiring a property since the early age. Apartment, space, and places have been a problem for every Hong Konger.
Hard work earns us a place,
When we have a place, we work for the rest of our lives to sustain it.
As we awake, life is coming to the end
This is the survival formula for every Hong Konger.
Film Trailer
Film Still
Film Trailer
Film Still
Film Still
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Message for me
if you want to go fast go alone. if you want to go far go together

+852 5702 2628
if you want to go fast go alone.
if you want to go far go together
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